Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bad writer, bad

I took a few days to enjoy my family and ignore the masses that surround my metro existence. I am gearing up for NaPoWriMo. Tomorrow i get some big dental surgery so I am hoping the added benefit of prescription meds will add a new dimension to my writings. weeeeeeeeee I have new pics but of course have not downloaded them as of yet. I have learned to snap pictures of buidlings while driving downtown is prolly not the best practice. It 5:30 and only a few others around, but in hindsight next time better be a bit more clandestine when breaking traffic laws.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Never to late to learn

I recently discovered that you can enter some MBA programs with out and under grad degree!! Since i don't have an undergrad degree and had given up on ever going back to school, I was floored by this. So with a bit of research I realized there are many options for me if I chose. At the urging of my partner I am going to Northwestern tomorrow for an info session about their Executive MBA program. It seems a few schools have the option of life/work experience in lieu of and under grad. Could be pretty good for me:)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

practice prose

Warming up for NaPoWriMo. For a friends birthday on Monday I penned this little sentiment on the spot.

ready smile

twinkle eyes

bearer of warm tidings

and warmer actions

molten heat

flows from her core

am easy laugh

sprinkles star bursts

of life

in her wake

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday blah

Back to my little slice of hell in cubicle city...ooohhhh very Guns N Roses....take me down to a cubicle city where walls are gray and coffee gritty...oh wont you please send me hooooommmmeeeeee. Sorry about that had to have a rock moment. Mondays usually leave me loopy. I have been out of office for most of the past 2 weeks, we canned half my staff and it's very lonely in there. Which is nice. None of that mundane chit chat I endured when we were over staffed and under worked. The downfall is my personal internet time has taken a serious hit now that I am expected to be productive. It had taken me months to finally delegate all my work and now the flow has reversed. So it goes. I have a networking thingy on Wed night and am hoping to shoot photos on the sly of drunk execs and middle management for our sneering enjoyment. On the masochist side I did 100 crunches this afternoon and my abs hurt like, like ummmm well they hurt.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bad poetry rules!!!

I just realized that April is upon us. Which means NaPoWriMo is warming up. What is NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) you ask? It is a poetry writing challenge where you commit to writing a poem a day for every day in the month of April. The type or style of prose is up to you. To join in the community for the challenge sign up at
I did complete it is April 2006 as well as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November 2006. Last year I had personal challenges and did very little writing. This year it is all about the words and stringing them together. I will be happy to post my bad prose here as well.

Back to Civilization

I have returned safely to Chicago. We ventured out to the "downtown" of the Dells on Friday. Had some really good BBQ and when we returned to the car, it seems a lot of snow came down. We were stuck. Who woulda thunk my 89 Mitsubishi 4 cylinder couldn't handle 6 inches of wet snow......Of course being in small town America in the land of cheese does have its advantages. Within 5 minutes of us trying to cajole the car into budging 3-4 strapping dairy fed MEN, came to my rescue. After rocking the car went and fetched his handy dandy 4x4 and pushed my little rice burner. my hero.....After that narrow escape from fudge shop row, we decided to head back to the resort and soothe or traumatized selves in the hot tub. We headed out Saturday and went to a cook shanty style eating establishment called Paul Bunyan's. How can you go wrong, it is the American way; family style all you can eat platters, piled high with carbs and animal fats. Nary a fruit, vegetable or whole grain within 500 yards. A relaxing slice of Midwest Americana was just what was needed to cement our family values and grow closer. In reality it was good to turn off the crackberry and step away from the laptop. Nothing like a trip to a family destination to hit home how much I dislike other peoples children; well and other people as well. I must say I am not anywhere near my ideal weight, very far from it. We have become one unhealthy nation. Finding a balanced meal or a healthy looking complexion was a challenge fit for a FOX game show. Some pics of the snow and my younger one in the water.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Cheeseheads or Fudgeheads

Here is Wisconsin Dells and there are more fudge shops then cheese. Weather was splendid sunny and mid 40's. I was tickled by the blend of 60's style tourism with a splash of Vegas thrown in. It is a strange cross between Coney Islandesque and neon lights. Luckily it is the of season and most attractions are closed therefore the crowds are limited. Today we were scheduled to leave but woke up to a full blown blizzard (not the kind with butter finger chunks either). Originally we were going to hit Cave in the Mounds and then New Glarus brewery, which has some of the yummiest brews only available in WI.
Alas I have decided to extend our stay a day. The combination of snow, whining children and morons who have never figured out how to drive in snow, will result in homicide in one state or another. I am considering venturing out to shoot some photos, there is a massive Trojan Horse that houses a roller coaster that I am captivated by. Look for photos soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My contribution to society

is my 2 overly sarcastic children. Yes at one point in my life I thought being a breeder was a good idea. They are 12 and 9. I have taken the boys all over the US and to the Bahamas and SE Asia. We are heading to NZ this summer. For some reason unknown to my hidden psyche, I have opted to take them to Wisconsin Dells for spring break. I myself have never been but it has been relayed to me as Vegas for kids. I know Vegas for kids brings to my mind; small pint hookers and really low roulette tables. After some research it is the land of waterparks, over priced attractions and lots of really bad restaurants. My kids are pretty cosmopolitan so their take on it should be interesting. They already asked if there is sushi (I haven't found a sushi place yet online near where we will be). So to celebrate a new unknown adventure I have some pics from last years adventures.

Pre spring fever?

As I am in the ever temperamental Midwest; sailing season is always a last moment determination. Today is cold and gray, but as I look out over the gray sky melding with the gray water and small white caps dotting the drab view; I long for days like these. Last year I suffered an injury whihc pulled me off the boats for most of the season, but this year I plan on conquering the Great lakes again. I want to smell the rain and see the buds plumping up on the trees. All I get is brown and gray sludge with the light aroma of exhaust and dog crap.

Drumroll Please

I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to vent my personal litany; the incessant monologue sliding through the cracks in my sticky brain. Today I took part in amass firing. Oh the inhumanity!!! To axe the same people you where sneering at the previous week or eating lunch with. My mantra though it all was "Better you then me".

I work in a number of industries and am over burdened by hobbies and interest. I will share my joys and sorrows with you of what I observe, things I love and of course my irate ramblings about the idiocy I experience in our world.