Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Face Off


That BITCH!! With out me she is nothing! MIME!!

Who uses mime in poetry? I don’t care what pressure I put on her catered ass.

What she’s too good to follow measure or rhyme. Just because I ALLOWED her a free form style doesn’t mean she doesn’t have to bow down to the man once and a while. Fuck her, I read books, I know words. Any intelligent person can string them together, you’re not special. So go ahead and run off to your Muse shelter, see how much sympathy you get.
Muse Abuse? Puh-lease. Oh and that rhymes with slease!

Wait baby, I didn’t mean it…….come back……

I have reached my limit of that no class, guttersnipe of a poet.

I am not some hired laborer, here to dance when directed.

Go, back to your mud thatched hut, squatting in the grime

popping out mewing illiterate degenerates. I am the Muse

of nobles, aristocrats and gentry. I kowtow to no unpublished

writer, hack!. How dare you, dictate such constraints as rhyme upon

my creative forces. Mime is a perfectly acceptable word and

I take offense at the mere suggestion I was not in my best form.

You are only as good as who you muse for. Expect to be contacted

by my Muse Abuse representative, for the vituperation I have suffered!

As a parting farewell I composed this for thee…

There was a poet from the Midwest.

Who couldn’t write limerick at best.

She pissed of her Muse,

Who then blew a fuse.

Off to Cancun, the Muse went to rest.

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