Sunday, March 23, 2008

Back to Civilization

I have returned safely to Chicago. We ventured out to the "downtown" of the Dells on Friday. Had some really good BBQ and when we returned to the car, it seems a lot of snow came down. We were stuck. Who woulda thunk my 89 Mitsubishi 4 cylinder couldn't handle 6 inches of wet snow......Of course being in small town America in the land of cheese does have its advantages. Within 5 minutes of us trying to cajole the car into budging 3-4 strapping dairy fed MEN, came to my rescue. After rocking the car went and fetched his handy dandy 4x4 and pushed my little rice burner. my hero.....After that narrow escape from fudge shop row, we decided to head back to the resort and soothe or traumatized selves in the hot tub. We headed out Saturday and went to a cook shanty style eating establishment called Paul Bunyan's. How can you go wrong, it is the American way; family style all you can eat platters, piled high with carbs and animal fats. Nary a fruit, vegetable or whole grain within 500 yards. A relaxing slice of Midwest Americana was just what was needed to cement our family values and grow closer. In reality it was good to turn off the crackberry and step away from the laptop. Nothing like a trip to a family destination to hit home how much I dislike other peoples children; well and other people as well. I must say I am not anywhere near my ideal weight, very far from it. We have become one unhealthy nation. Finding a balanced meal or a healthy looking complexion was a challenge fit for a FOX game show. Some pics of the snow and my younger one in the water.

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